Using our GPS Maps

One of the most valuable resources to have while hiking is a GPS-enabled device. This can be an iPhone, Android, Magellan, or one of many other devices. We offer GPS logs for almost all of the trails in our database for free. Apps for these devices allow you to import these maps and literally follow along as you hike — ensuring you never veer from the trail.

While we strive to provide the most accurate and complete information possible in our maps, we acknowledge that trails change year to year. Using our maps is done at YOUR OWN RISK.

Read Using Our GPS Maps FAQ for instructions.

Proper Attire

Wear clothes appropriate for the type of activity and weather. If travelling at higher elevations, bring clothing suited for sudden weather changes.

An easy trail in dry weather can turn into a nightmare with the wrong footwear with a small amount of rain. Water-proof your hiking boots, bring a backup pair of socks, and bring an emergency poncho. Expecting ice or snow? Microspikes are are no-brainer and a life-saver.

With new boots, always wear them around town for a few weeks to break them in before taking them on longer hikes.

Adequate Gear & Supplies

Hiking can be a very strenuous activity and requires that you've slept well, eaten well, and have properly hydrated. Always bring a drink to stay hydrated, and a snack for along the way. We highly recommend either water or a beverage with a salt-base and low sugar content like Gatorade G2, and a snack like your average trail mix.

Even if you're not hosting a hike, have a clear idea of where the trail leads and how much time you'll need to get back before dark. Useful incase you get separated, bring a compass or GPS with a map.

Always bring a small first aid kit and never overpack; you will exhaust yourself! With a degree of discretion, bring only what you need for the trail.

Risk Awareness

Help ensure your safety on trails, follow these hints. We also HIGHLY recommend getting the SAS Survival Guide for your mobile device. The guide provides useful survival and worst-case-scenario information for travelling in the wilderness.

  • Backup: Always tell someone where you're going and when you expect to be back incase you become injured or lost; especially if you plan to hike solo.
  • Theft: Unfortunately, in past years we've had break-ins to vehicles. Often thieves prey on the fact that they know hikers will not be back for hours. Ensure you hide or take all values on the trail with you. We do not claim any responsibility for lost or stolen items.
  • Animals: Be aware of animals on the trail and how to handle them if encountered.
  • Weather: Check the weather before heading out and expect changes!