Mount Boucherie: Eain Lamont Loop

West Kelowna

This is the "official" entrance to Mount Boucherie. If parking after 6pm, park OUTSIDE the gates on the street or you'll get locked in! Offers a spectacular forested walk, and stunning view of downtown at the summit.
  • Short
  • Average
  • Loop
  • 5.57 km round-trip
  • 1 hr 30 min solo
  • 2 hr 17 min group
  • 466 m gain
Kids & Pets
  • On-Leash
  • Child-Friendly


3088-3090 Lakeview Cove Rd, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 3P6, Canada

Driving Time

From Downtown Kelowna, approximate travel time by car is 14 min.

Notable GPS Co-ordinates

Detailed Directions

1) Head across the bridge into West Kelowna
2) Turn LEFT on Westlake Rd/Hudson Rd
3) Turn RIGHT on Guidi Rd
4) Turn RIGHT on Trevor Dr (which becomes Lakeview Cove Rd)
5) Turn RIGHT to stay onto Lakeview Cove Rd
6) Park outside the gates on your left to avoid getting locked in.

Google Directions

Use our written directions in preference to the Google directions below as they are likely more accurate.

  • Starting Elevation: 568 meters
  • Ending Elevation: 568 meters
  • Maximum Elevation: 759 meters
  • Minimum Elevation: 471 meters
  • Elevation Gain: 466 meters
  • Elevation Loss: -466 meters
  • Slope Up: 16.00%
  • Slope Down: -14.00%

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GPS Notes
We have often color-coded our GPX tracks. While it is not always the case, we have tried to use the following convention on our newer maps:

Green/Blue: human-verified by our volunteers.
Purple: overgrown trail, bushwhack, or on private property.
Red: default color or not reality-checked
Yellow: Road
Other Colors: May have been satellite traced or imported from third party sources.

While we strongly believe our GPS are accurate, please be aware that no logging system is perfect and to be aware of potential errors. Use at your own risk.
  • Heather mcintosh

    Is the hike at 10am tomorrow? And where is the meeting spot. I've always done the trail the start by mount boucherie secondary. Thanks! I'm excited to go hiking tomorrow

    Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 3:44 PM
  • Merissa Hucul

    Good hike but best to go on the weekend right now, there is construction on the mountain and you can hear it at all times, not the best!

    Friday, May 24, 2019 at 1:16 PM

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