Hiking for Health
Good morning hiking fans! Has anyone been considering making significant changes to try to improve their health both mentally and physically? Well, it's actually much easier than you would think. Many people don't actually know that going on regularly scheduled hikes helps you to not only lower your stress levels dramatically, but it also greatly improves your day to day moods.
Hiking can be a nice break from all the pressures we face in this day and age, giving our minds the necessary time they need to “unplug,” and heal. Many people have found that hiking has not only lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and reduced the risk of heart disease, it helps substantially in alleviating insomniac symptoms.
If gaining control over your weight and strengthening your core is closer to the goal you have envisioned for yourself, hiking is one of the best ways to achieve your desired level of fitness. Traversing through uneven, and tough environments constantly requires the use of your core to work on keeping you upright and stabilized, while slowly toning your body and burning a significant amount of calories.
Upgrade to our Pro Membership to gain access to over 100 trail maps that can be followed live on your phone as you hike!